quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2009

Texts in Portuguese and English - part one

A alegria elementar de um pensador
Monday, February 4th, 2008

Em jeito de foco lúcido, que denota das nuances turvas que arqueiam em forma rígidas, nas figuras alheias a mim e que me fazem sorrir de pasmo e esta efusividade é certamente o reflexo da era, onde a verve é triste não por excelência, mas por evidente cobardia espiritual.

Desejo deixar um legado de uma vida original de entrega aos demais, tanto humanos como dos reinos animal, mineral e vegetal, certa pansexualidade ao todo que me cativa, eu que cativo e dou de mim nas metáforas que elucidam por sedução e beleza física e de alma em riste, ando num gingar que na deixa mais próxima, prontifica-se a suportar a ignorância portuguesa/ocidental e do alfabeto-mistério que engendro que tem muito de indecifrável como de limpidez, eu nos meus murmúrios argutos num silêncio com que intuo a maravilhosa experiência de viver, soergo esta vantagem e sorrio suspeito para comigo, dada a palavra e o tempo como moeda de troca e sim pelo anarquismo e muito mais além, num livre-pensamento que… o meu triunfo é trunfo que se basta e ele e eu inimigos desta verdade, deduzíamos por ócio a ela…

O perfil do português é de uma nulidade total, o seu doentio e macabro fervor religioso que arrecada fortunas para que o seu séquito enriqueça depressa e a manha economicista de qualquer português são vísceras secas que minam qualquer rasgo de vida, com que me apresento. E noto que a formação humana do português é induzida sempre pela mentira, quer no plano íntimo como a sexualidade sempre refreada e imiscuida na perversidade, como nas relações entre os habitantes de Portugal. Eu não discrimino ninguém e qualquer pessoa despida e conhecida nas suas entranhas, facilmente choraria e aqui creio que esta verdade é consequência da dependência do raciocínio dos pedagogos, que deixam os jovens sem coragem e portanto sem tomates para ir mais além que a beleza dos céus poéticos nas planícies azuladas onde os sonhos acampam. Os da geração que fizeram o 25 de Abril, são uma corja de bandidos, e todos os democratas são falsos só por o serem e a pobreza espiritual das reminiscências de Salazar, que infelizmente não morreu nas mãos de Emídio Santana e que prolifera nas hostes de jovens e menos jovens, caídos nos nós górdios de uma pestilência que destrói as margens da libertação e do olhar puro a quem vos quer fazer saber, que é preciso ir mais além e muito além disto mesmo, pois o segundo seguinte já é dinamite em quem a pensa por dever moral, numa evolução continua e prolífera, quando o sagrado é a natureza da alma humana e de todo o universo…

Com o calor que emano e póstumo a toda e qualquer frieza mais próxima da alienação colectiva, passo sem medo diante de mil explosões cerebralmente indecifráveis aos saqueadores de postura carnavalesca e com o meu sorriso de carácter eu volto sempre, à intempérie que movimenta a coerência que é letal aos demais e danço com as minhas musas, onde a minha voz mansa flui calmamente, auscultando a dor e estimulando estes trâmites, para que parte da população se purgue com o esculco sentimento de responsabilidade e ética tão crua, como a semente lançada para um novo ciclo de pensamento e que a individualidade preste assim auxílio na sua sabedoria aos que podem, querem, o sublime que reside numa ascenção precisa. O desejo mimético sabe disso e eu vou estando em caudais pacíficos e que nenhum governo te dará liberdade e nenhuma religião te salvará de nada. Sê nu o que espelhas tu, na recta seguinte e em todos os verbos de ataque que a criança não queria utilizar, mas ela tem de sobreviver e assim o jogo fascista agita a alegria mais elementar de um pensador que se revela e se cumpre, por amor à vida.

Verifico uma falta extrema ao amor, de amor, amizade desinteressada, junto da população e este mal estar, oscila e é apresentado diariamente nas defesas de cada indivíduo, para que uma insurreição seja credível a seus olhos e porque o despertar da voz interior, pode durar uma vida, mesmo apenas no leito da morte, é necessário abordar o colosso interior e estudar como cumprir o olhar que ama e é consistente consigo. Está ao alcance, sim.

Os lepidópteros e eu em cada pedido de tempo

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

O gatilho na hora de uma inteligência à prova de bala, vê iniciar um episódio de lepidópteros em volta do passeio e pelas margens do asfalto, nota na curiosidade e inocência das crianças, alguma poesia de rua, que também se acha sob forma de sensibilidade em mim, quando me tenho menos tenso e daí à observação do mover da multidão, vai um desenho mental que entoa um dever cumprido. E sendo uma deslocação de que prezo fazer multiplicações sem que deus exista e o estado também, deixo minha presença, longe e ao mesmo tempo, unida ao universo numa fórmula de unicidade que dá conta das necessidades de fornecer vida aos que pouco falam e nada disto é senão, aquela vontade orgiástica de tudo querer com afinco e originalidade, após anos de terror, onde ainda assim e continuando, me aproximo de um estado espiritual constante como ardente e da mesma qualidade de prazer com que escrevi o poema dedicado à Lígia em 1997. E porque me descolo dos erros, que dão manobra à recriação de plataformas de entendimento da vida e coloco-me mais e mais sobre um aperfeiçoamento e auto-desafio em seguir sozinho, como num passeio numa aurora de domingo pelo Tejo, olhando o rio e o céu, sabendo que meu caminho, é feito desse extâse que deixa o estuário e larga o seu sorriso calmo a cada pedido de tempo.

O adeus tem vantagem

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

Na redenção que do espaço livre de um cântico esboçado no fundo de um canto guardado, protegido das irregularidades que no meu sonhar, entoam o degelo com o crepitar do coração em favor de si e debicando a mutabilidade de quem parte e pensa, para mais tarde recuarem na fórmula ideológica que se torna indiferente e vejo lá fora, pelas tardes, uma multidão de nabos prestes a chorar, não por serem humildes, mas por uma estranha arrogância advinda da ignorância que limita o confronto cru da verdade (pelas típicas agressões físicas) e olhando esta miséria social portuguesa, é quase um rever completo dos negros conteúdos de cada vez que passam por Caria acima e por Caria abaixo. Pois na estrada, o adeus tem a vantagem de ser sentido…


Monday, March 24th, 2008
As babies we already were made to feel the consequences: it’s no matter of course that we live.Out of a living belly we come into cold, rather dead surroundings, stuffed with things. We are extensively separated from everything that lives.Some of our first and most incisive experiences turn out to be: pains, separation, loneliness, fear. We are not just existing.The destruction of our original boundlessness (no separation of ego and others, inside and outside) is immediately begun and never ended. You are at the mercy of grown-ups, you’re locked up, binded, forced and doodled, forced into tenderness and hygienic measures, in your interest and for your security.You are weak and therefore you have not much of a choice but let yourself blackmail to this kind of life.Your needs stay unsatisfied. You’re offered substitutes, consumption instead. Sexuality is taboo. Children need to cuddle toy animals. Your life is determined by fear.The consciousness of permanent threat is hardly to bear and you develop mechanisms which help you to survive.To this is connected that you protect the ones who bust/have busted you, because simultaneously you live with the feeling that especially they saved your life, that without them and their securities you can never live.Because of this, in ever new versions you may repeat experiences you’d already made many times, hoping that this time finally all will end up in a quite different way. In the end you have nevertheless confirmed that to you the same shit happens again and again.This for example can happen in such a way: you’re searching people, whom you can do things together with, with whom you can have discussions. You can find some, who let themselves electrify by your liveliness, your determination; they listen to you, want to talk with you, most of all about themselves (and you).As soon as they feel threatened, they move back, block, make themselves tight.Or else you become afraid of so much eagerness to fix on you, you prefer to run away before being killed and eaten up.In any case, you find out that again (or still) you’re all alone. That it’s “the others”, who just don’t get on, that they are to blame that everything stays like it used to be, because they want nothing to change. You feel yourself, “wrong somehow”, “nobody like you”, just like “lonesome rider”, “ everybody has to fight for her/himself.Maybe you don’t want to change anything, because you prefer the security of what you already know, it may be ever so hard to take rather than the security of that which you don’t know.The fear of the pains which you might have to go through when you’d face some conflicts prevents you from realizing the pains of not getting in touch with the conflicts.To discuss this consequently means the possibility to put everything into question and may change your whole life. Since this could lead to the liberation from prison structures, you can count on the fierce requirement to punish by all those who profit by these structures, because they themselves try to survive without having much to change and at the same time to bare as much as possible.If you let come to your consciousness what’s going on with you and around you, you perceive that “life pure” really is not to stand.In doing so you may have in mind that the last alternative to life is death. An alternative to a bad life seems to be not to live at all.“ Death is none of our concern.For disintegration is not to be felt.What cannot be felt, is none of our concern.”Epikur
If we want to reach a conscious relation to our existence, under the yet set conditions it presupposes a conscious relation to our deaths. If the discussion about death actually is carried on, the favoured way to it is as mystical as can be. Then life is imputed to a “profound sense” – stale traditional Christian or rather concerning meditatively to the far east, you may chose with guru or without. This sublime-profound sense is explained by “something higher that we can grasp” with prolonging until eternity (“eternal life” as substitute for your not being (with pleasure/”really”) alive. Since life is not self-evident, there has to be any explanation for it.With death and dying you only get into touch as far as they are to be consumed as well, for instance featured in the news and televisions. Looking at dismembered corpuses (“plane accident, how dreadfull!”) the potato chips get stuck in your throat. Much easier they will be swallowed when you watch the next film and drink the next beer with the never ending joy to be alive, life has got you again.You stay at home, where you are secure, where nothing unknown happens to you. Ocuppied territories, crashes, battles – everyday-life-experiences in small families – officially exist only outside.The reason why it is so important to get “what is going on in the world”, to realize violence, dying only there, is that these themes concern you directly but in this way are kept in a certain distance from you. The fear of the present time as well as the one of the confrontation with the past leads to putting all hopes into the future and like some kind of last possibility, into death, when you shall be “delivered from all passion”.If you«re not existing any more, you feel nothing any more, nothing hurts you any more, you need not to be afraid of violence any more. One way to live your life in this direction of death orientation is to think and feel by means of impossibilities: first you look what all doesn’t work, the rest you put up with as life. Now and then you affirm yourself of this kind of living by overtaking heavy blows (“with what did I deserve this now?”).If you over and over again have been kept from living, if you cannot live and somehow know “I don’t even really live”, sooner or later this comes up again and again: you never lived. You don’t want to die because you didn’t live, and you’re afraid that you finally have missed the last chance to do so. The fear of death turns out to be the fear of life.Our whole society is based on the principle of death that leads to murder/suicide.By sexual repression right from the beginning, with the assistance of families, schools, leisure time arrangements apparatus of therapies everything that lives is combated by ( gentle or even brute) force. Everything that could make us realize to see quite clearly that we are put at the mercy of others/put ourselves at the mercy of others, is repressed out of our consciousness. With everything which we don’t want to remember. With everything which has to do with death and the fear of it we can be blackmailed.With the fear of dying, or pains, of violence, of battles we don’t want to have it out with, because this puts our whole violent life (why and what for we fight for our lives?) into question.Without our armament of securities, of things to be deemed unchangeable, of being adults, we are weak.Weakness we don’t want to be called to our minds. Neither to becoming old nor to diseases and never childwood.The fear of death presupposes consciousness of dying. The discussion about it is a taboo as the one about sexuality. Murder not to be concerned by this “sad chapter” (of your history at all, especially favoured the often tested plunge into consumption takes place.Things, paid manipulations, life out of tins, help you to be always beautiful, young, important, let you feel that you (still) are “living” gives you security. You are told.Your body which, after long years lasting struggles, you’ve usually accepted as an enemy, will in a nice way come closer to you again- as advertisements are faking.It is reminded to baby feelings, an unseparated way of being. The goal of not being separated seems to approach to an available distance.Nevertheless – not everybody is taken in by that. Sometimes you even get that how the shit is working. But how to get rid of that? How to satisfy the needs of not being separated? One possibility to achieve that is by orgasms, when you can come over your own boarders, when you can cancel for a short time what you’re used to realize as “ego”.Wimmin, besides, can get babies, by giving birth they bring themselves into the situation to break their own limits. By that other means should the process of giving birth – apart from going through pains and suffering – become so undiscredible , unique?Another possibility to experience being boundless is by the consumption of drugs. You want to get more, feel more, to reach an expanded consciousness, to achieve a boundless perception, seems to be satisfied. In the end you remain with a narrowed perception, and the more sober you are the more grossly you fall into the cold, which not any more seems to be cold but only boring to you.What started together with the want to change, ends with great plans and have conversations about changing or with the open resignation of having-already-tried-all. The great power is gone. Your loneliness remains, which you only can stand, because over and over again you narcotize yourself, swallow, nip all your aggressions in the bud.Your whish to live, to change has become to “all the same”, “want to be left alone”, which very often leads to the rejection of children (trouble, stress, end of the freedom to go on with dying “in peace”) or their idealisation (when they serve in some playing recreation and usually live in a secure distance).As little as to your own (former) weakness you want to be reminded to your own (former) liveliness.You may try to get over your own ego, to be boundless again, by over and over searching the proximity of death as possibility to burst your “ ego”-limits, to crack your body-armour-plating.When you once again have just got off with life, you sense: you are existing. At the same time you make sure: there still is a way out of not-being.You test death and amazed you state: not to be is not grave, only to die is grave. In case of doubt you prefer rather to fall back upon non-existence than to change your life.Or else you may look for people, who are addicted and live in even stronger affinity to suicide than you and in the delimitation to them you feel your own being alive. You move to the proximity of death, let others die for you. With which you stay in old Christian traditions and within the community of those: who let Christ die for them. Violence against some enables others to live.The more you understand of what is happening to you and around you, the more of it you take into your consciousness, the more of dying and death parts you have to digest. If you avoid to make the discussion about it, only the mechanisms with which you contribute to the maintaining of what keeps you away from life, are changed.You may throw yourself resignedly into illnessses or drugs or an “everyday idyl in spite of all”, for instance.Maybe, you “won’t stand it any more”, decide to cope with “the pigs”, which means: to be as good or even better than them. The goal is: to be the winner of the last battle. Either they or we. Either I or you. Someone will have to die for it. Before the great ideas have to die, before they catch me, I let rather kill myself. Kamikaze. The principle of murder remains not questioned in depth. The more you dare to confront yourself with death, the less awfull death is, the less you can be blackmailed to defend a dead liveliness fored upon you, and instead of this use your power to fight for your life instead of fighting for your survival.The idea just of this alternative is not to be supposed to come into your head, because you cannot fight for life all alone. To get over your own boarders – without destroying yourself at the same time – you can only achieve with others. The attempt to live together with many others, to discuss, not to accept the set limits of mine (my stuff, thing, space, problem, friend, etc) and yours any more could be the beginning to escape the wake of death.

Monday, March 24th, 2008

Many activities in the body, like heartbeat, function of the bladder, of gut, sexuality, breathing, moving of muscles, are working under the princip of tension and relaxation; that means, the sexual (muscle-) tension is build up more and more by excitation (in breathing by streaming in of air) and discharges by muscle-convulsion/orgasm (in heart, the heart muscle contracts suddenly). This tension/relaxation is controlled by the autonomic nervous system (unconscious), the ‘sympatikus’ causes flexing the ‘vagus’ relaxation.By the permanent suppression against sexuality your ability to relax is destroyed (in the sense of ‘somebody destroys’ and not ‘is already destroyed’), because every listfull relaxation/letting loose or to let oneself fall is connected with pleasure, widening and feeling of streaming. But this remembers to the strong (pleasure-) feelings of childhood, but in the same time to the meanwhile spiritualized prohibitions and tabus, too. That means for the organism that flexing is going to be more or less going to be a permanent condition. Virtual sexual excitation and relaxation are listfull. The excitation is listfull because of the expected relaxation. But if because of moral reasons or prohibitions and others, satisfaction is not possible any more, the excitation is going to be unpleasant and even painfull. Sexual excitation is tried to be avoided, for example by cramping of the pelvic muscles (pelvis is always kept back), by flexing the muscles with press together the tighs, by permanent condition of ‘breathing-in’ (prevents that the listfull relaxation of the ‘breathing-out’ can come until the pelvic).The parying of rage is working similar (for example in permanent cramped chin musculature). Out of the permanent parying of sexual excitation there develop armor-plating of muscles, which have the function to block up each sign of pleasure, each excitating liveliness and to kill it (equivalent to this is the armor-plating of character, that means parying by special ‘coolness’ or other ‘terrific’ or not so hot qualities of the character). The consequence is: orgastic impotence, sexual relaxation is not possible or only with sadistic manhood-violence (-phantasies) or with masochistic rape (phantasies). That what is always said to be a potent man (permanent stiff penis) is even more the expression of orgastic impotence, because it is the unability to relax. Seen like this the permanent production of penis-symbols (from church towers to the missile) could be a consequence out of the permanent sexual flexing (just in church and military).Wilhelm Reich discovered that the tension/relaxation is also working in very small creatures, for example in one-cell organism/single cells, by pulsation. Besides this, in the mean time with tension/relaxation there is running a charging and discharging with the ORGON-energy. ORGON-energy is a high effective energy, which is in the atmosphere. The ORGON-radiation is outside more strong than inside houses, in dry and sunny weather such more high than in humid weather. People take the ORGON-energy directly out of the atmosphere (cells over their plasma), a surplus of energy is discharged by orgasm (convulsion of cell-plasma). So the orgasm is not any subordinate phenomenon of the body, but is the life-function of the whole organism, like it is for it’s smallest parts. The disturbing of the orgasm-function has far-reaching consequences and is the reason for at least a part of cancer diseases.That there is a connection between sexuality and cancer you can assume because a big part of the cancer tumours are at the breast, prostate and uterus. If tissue is all the time cramped-like it is in armour-platings – the charging of the cells with ORGON-energy and providing with oxygen is hindered. The cell-breath, the rhytme tension-charge-discharge-relaxation of the cell is only possible in a bad way. CO2 cannot be taken away well. For the cells that all means a state of suffocation and leads to a disturbed balance between nucleo and cellplasma, the plasma cannot undertake the function of discharging any more, for the nucleo there stays just one possibility to get rid of the energy: cell dividing. The fast cell-dividings in cancer-tissue are, you can say like this, a panic reaction of the cells threatened by suffocation.The actual cancer-tumour is one of the last steps of the cancer disease. Before there comes the permanent unability to extensive sexual relaxation, orgasm. It is the sexual resignation, that means not to fight any more for satisfaction but to fight the sexual excitation of all what could cause lisfull feelings, with cramp and avoiding. The opposite of pleasure is fear. Pleasure is connected with warm, wide and relaxation, but fear is equivalent to tensioned carriage, cramp and cold. The irradiation with ORGON-energy in the ORGON-acumulator has strong ‘vagoton’ effectc, that means relaxing, cramp-loosening, against pain, tumours are going back. By loosening the cramp sexual are developing. But the reason for the cancer, the sexual resignation, is not abolished by ORGON-irradiation. People with cancer could sometimes be delivered from tumours, but they were confrontated with the difficulty to satisfy wishes which had come up. They got fear to be hunted, fear of suffocation, troubles with balance, fear to go, to fall down. The fear of orgasm/falling as reason the desease, because after a long time suddenly sexual excitation was possible again. Orgasm-fear/falling-fear, that means, to make hard to cramp and to freeze, not to loose the support. By systematical education of the children to unsexual creatures the fear of the orgasm/falling is a firm part of society: the feeling of dizziness for example, if it goes down steep anywhere (many Indians don’t know dizziness) or in the shape of security-thinking (I need my training, my scholl, family… even if the suppression is already clear) or in hiracy-systems (the higher the hieracy the bigger the fear to fall).The most trouble of the orgonotic function of charge and discharge have their reason in childwood. The moralistic stiffed and armour-plated adults are unable to allow and to reciprocate the wishes of children for pleasure and extensive sexual satisfaction. Altough babies can experience orgasms with convulsions at the hole body by sucking at the breast many mothers spread the biologic opinion, that sucking is just for the nutrition of the child, with some consequences that the mother is not allowed to feel pleasure because of the sucking of the child. Against this ideologic, mechanistic (so in the end racistic) attitude. The nutrition is-you can say- is subordinate affect of the satisfaction in this act of sucking at the strong ORGON-charged nipple. You can easy imagine, what deadly feelings are left in the completely sexual baby by the only anti-pleasure and un-orgonotic reaction of the world of adults.

Wilhelm Reich - Orgonomy - Glossary of Terms

Monday, March 24th, 2008

A new scientific discipline must employ new terms if old ones are inapplicable. Orgonomy introduced the following new terms:
ANORGONIA: The condition of diminished or lacking orgonity (q.v.).
ARMOR: See character armor, muscular armor
BIONS: Energy vesicles representing transitional stages between non-living and living substance. They constantly form in nature by a process of disintegration of inorganic and organic matter, which process it has been possible to reproduce experimentally. They are charged with orgone energy (q.v.), i.e. Life Energy, and may develop into protozoa and bacteria.
CHARACTER: An individual’s typical structure, his stereotype manner of acting and reacting. The orgonomic concept of character is functional and biological, and not a static, psychological or moralistic concept.
CHARACTER ANALYSIS:Originally a modification of the customary psychoanalyatic technique of symptom analysis, by the inclusion of the character and character resistance into the therapeutic process. However, the discovery of the muscular armor necessitated the development of a new technique, namely vegetotherapy. The later discovery of organismic orgone energy (bio-energy) and the concentration of atmospheric orgone energy with an orgone energy accumulator necessitated the further development of character-analytic vegetotherapy into an inclusive, biophysical orgone therapy. (See physical orgone therapy, psychiatric orgone therapy)
CHARACTER ARMOR:The sum total of typical character attitudes which an individual develops as a blocking against his emotional excitations, resulting in rigidity of the body, lack of emotional contact, and “deadness.” Functionally identical with the muscular armor.
CHARACTER, GENITAL:The un-neurotic character structure which does not suffer from sexual stasis, and therefore, is capable of natural self-regulation on the basis of orgastic potency.
CHARACTER, NEUROTIC:The character which, due to chronic bio-energetic stasis, operates according to the principle of compulsive moral regulation.
EMOTIONAL PLAGUE:The neurotic character in destructive action on the social scene.
MUSCULAR ARMOR:The sum total of the muscular attitudes (chronic muscular spasms) which an individual develops as a block against the breakthrough of emotions and organ sensations, in particular anxiety, rage, and sexual excitation.
ORGASM:The unitary involuntary convulsions of the total organism at the acme of the genital embrace. This reflex, because of its involuntary character and the prevailing orgasm anxiety, is blocked in most humans of civilizations which repress infantile and adolescent genitality.
ORGASTIC IMPOTENCE:The absence of orgastic potency. It is the most important characteristic of the average human of today, and—by damning up biological (orgone) energy in the organism—provides the source of energy for all kinds of biopathic symptoms and social irrationalism.
ORGASTIC POTENCY:Essentially the capacity for complete surrender to the involuntary convulsion of the organism and complete discharge of the excitation at the acme of the genital embrace. It is always lacking in neurotic individuals. It presupposes the presence or establishment of the genital character, i.e. absence of a pathological character armor and muscular armor. Orgastic potency is usually not distinguished from erective and ejaculative potency, both of which are only prerequisites of orgastic potency.
ORGONE ENERGY:Primordial Cosmic Energy, universally present and demonstrable visually, thermically, electroscopically, and by means of Geiger-Mueller counters. In the living organism: Bio-energy, Life Energy. Discovered by Wilhelm Reich between 1936 to 1940.
ORANUR: (Orgone Energy Against Nuclear Radiation)Denotes orgone energy in a state of excitation induced by nuclear energy (DOR denotes Deadly Orgone Energy).
ORGONE THERAPY:(See physical orgone therapy, psychiatric orgone therapy)
ORGONITY:The condition of containing orgone energy; the quantity of orgone energy contained.
ORGONOMETRY:Quantitative orgonomic research.
ORGONOMIC (‘ENERGETIC”) FUNCTIONALISM:The functional thought technique which guides clinical and experimental orgone research. The guiding principle is that of the identity of variations in their common functioning principle (CFP). This thought technique grew in the course of the study of human character formation and led to the discovery of the functional organismic and cosmic orgone energy, thereby proving itself to be the correct mirroring of both living and non-living basic natural processes.
ORGONOMY:The natural science of the cosmic orgone energy.
ORGONOTIC:Qualities concerning the orgonity of a system or a condition.
PHYSICAL ORGONE THERAPY:Application of physical orgone energy concentrated in an orgone energy accumulator to increase the natural bio-energetic resistance of the organism against disease.
PSYCHIATRIC ORGONE THERAPY:Mobilization of the orgone energy in the organism, i.e. the liberation of biophysical emotions from muscular and character armorings with the goal of establishing, if possible, orgastic potency.
SEX-ECONOMY:The body of knowledge within Orgonomy which deals with the economy of the biological (orgone) in the organism, with its energy household.
STASIST:he damming of Life Energy in the organism, thus the source of energy for biopathy and irrationalism.
STASIS ANXIETY:The anxiety caused by the stasis of sexual energy in the center of the organism when its peripheral orgastic discharge is inhibited.
STASIS NEUROSIS:All somatic disturbances which are the immediate result of the stasis of sexual energy, with stasis anxiety at its core.
WORK DEMOCRACY:The functioning of the natural and intrinsically rational work relationships between human beings. The concept of work democracy represents the established reality (not the ideology) of these relationships which, though usually distorted because of prevailing armoring and irrational political ideologies, are nevertheless at the basis of all social achievement.

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